Monday, July 2, 2012

30 Days of Prayer: Day 25

Today, please pray for…

Retreat Attendees: Jane, Sarah and Carol

Country: Tanzania

You are familiar with all my ways. You hem me in -- behind and before; You have laid Your hand upon me. Where can I go from Your Spirit? If I am in the heavens, depths, far side of the sea...even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast (Psalm 139: 3, 5).

May each woman rest and rely on these truths. As mothers, free the women from worry and concern about their adult kids, so they can have peace. Reaffirm to them that You are greater than anything they face. Help them not to blame themselves for things that go wrong in their kids' lives. Redeem parental mistakes and release them from guilt. Help them forgive their kids for things they've done that hurt or disappoint them. Help them forgive anyone who has hurt their kids in any way. Give them faith to believe and patience to wait for the answers. Pour out Your spirit of wisdom and revelation on each child so that they may know You.

The first Retreat starts tomorrow. Lord, go before each woman traveling and grant her safety. Watch over each family left behind (for some dads this is their first time alone with the kids!). May the women be able to fully participate in each day without worrying about home.

May the volunteer staff enjoy working together and be unified.  Let a spirit of joy abound!  In Jesus' name, Amen. 

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